Blitz Languages & the future – part 2

After a week it seems that things are a little ‘calm down’.
While speaking of ‘future’ is too much at the moment, we can look at the present for now!

A copy (read only) of the historic forum BlitzBasic is available online thanks to Skid
Manuals and code-archive are already downloaded (and for the latter I’m working to put them online in different form – direct download and database).

This means that every comments, snippet, stupid question and answer is still here!

People is migrated to the new forums… is the new home for Blitz users – there are other alternatives ( but I don’t know what in future will be the ‘only one’ (if needed of course!).
Personally I’m registered on

Static downloads of BlitzMax (code and install packages) is granted (and I’m working to host another copy of them – better to have another solution !)

Monkey2 development and community moved on another website – and it seems that the 3d module should be available soon…

What’s next?

Update of 12th jan 2018: is gone, now point to

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