Graphio website: updated!

I’ve decided to ‘refresh’ the graphical view of my personal web-site.

So, after some search in the net, I’ve found a ‘nice’ theme for WordPress and I decided to install it.

Of course it seems to be compatible with WP 3.x… so without thinking I clicked on ‘Upgrade to WP 3.1.1’…. tada!

After three hours of imprecations I finally updated my site: I’ve lost my database password – fortunately I’ve got the possibility to change the password!!!! – uploaded from my computer to the server the ‘new’ wordpress… and tada (2): deleted my configuration file.

After looking around just for a little I re-discovered where to change the WP-config file and – finally – back on web.

I like the new theme so I decided to personalize it with my graphio-logo, and I decided to find some blog-to-twitter plugin: ideally when I type something – automatically or not – some information should be ‘sent’ to my twitter account.

It seems logic and feasible.

I tried TWEETABLE … and of course I’ve got error (change to PHP5… error in curl_init() not found! But what the f*********)

Oh well, it was an hard week: I’ve got a very bad cold – I was in bed for three days with high fever (the last time I’ve got fever was more than 10 years ago!!!) – then back to work for 2 days (with some backlist to solve…) – so I’m very tired, confused and irritable.

Now I have another three days (saturday, sunday and monday) of ‘vacancy’ thanks Easter… I will spend these days in ‘recover mode’ to rigenerate my energy…

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