Proxygadgets update – again!

I’ve just uploaded a new version of ProxyGadgets.

Main changes are still on ToolBarExtra.
I’ve implemented some methods: ModifyGadgetItem (but it works only to change title or tips), ToggleGadgetItem (working only on SWITCH items), SelectedGadgetItem and more to have more ‘stability’.
I’ve moved on COMMON.BMX another function (MakeLight) to keep the gadget itself lighter.

Finally I’ve changed the behaviour of the toolbar when the window resizes (or the items in the toolbar are wider than the window): now it works well as expected.

And I’ve added a new item: SLIDER

TOOLBARITEM_SLIDER adds a trackbar slider on the toolbar.
To set range (or value) I’ve implemented a method (SetProp). This is not ‘maxgui standard’, as I cant’ use ‘SetSliderRange’ directly on an item of my toolbar.

The method works passing 2 strings: the first is the ‘parameter’ (ie: RANGE), the second is (or are) the value (or values, comma separated).

In my case I have to do something like:

it1=tb1.AddItem(TOOLBARITEM_SLIDER,"Value %V",2100)

range and value can be uppercase, lowercase, camelcase etc.

It’s not very elegant, I know, but I’m looking to find a common way to pass (and read) parameters to/from a gadget without passing through gadget-specific command (like SetValue…)

Another little things (you can see in the above example): if you add a tooltip to the slider, and the string contains the sequence %V, when updated this string is replaced by the value of the slider.

With this fixes it’s time to rebuild my MaxIDE X…


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