Monkey X 2 1.0.0

Some interesting things about MX2 (to be honest Monkey X 2 is a ugly name!!!)

First, at the end of june the first ‘public’ v.1.0.0 (we could call it MileStone 1 or MK-1 (Mark 1!) ) has been released.

A fully BIN version (only for Windows) and the full source is available to download and play with it.

Ted2 (the editor, named Monkey2 (Windows).exe – the fantasy is limitless!!!) is working. Not ‘fully OS integrated’ (it’s based on the internal GUI, not on th OS’s one).

Load source, press F5, (wait few seconds) and your code is running!

The ‘feeling’ of the old Blitz products is still here 🙂 – good job from this point of view.

There are some examples (see the bananas folder) and everything is working without problems.

There’s even a debugger (basic, but functional) and so the feeling of ‘what next’ in MonkeyX is (finally) forgot!

Even Ted2 has the source available (… everything now is build with MX2! – event the ‘compiler-translator’ itself!) – so it’s possible to hack/change/improve it (and some user – see the forum – are doing this!).

Personally, I would wait until a GUI-OS module will be available (if any) – and I’m looking to learn (from MaxGUI) what are the steps to ‘open’ a window and attach a ‘standard’ gadget on it… I think it will take eons for me :D)

The most interesting things are in the latest post of Mark: the new fiber system, the OpenAL support, GLES 2.0 rendering and the future target approach (Android, iOS and emscripten).

MX2 has shown ‘robust’ root, I think it will be a giant tree.

See here for more information


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