Big Data, little minds

Once again I’m at the computer thinking to resolve ‘another problem’ (not mine).
Data analysis is a very damn ugly and tedious work: there are not ‘polite’ words to describe it.
People thinks that it’s easy to take ‘decision’ on data. Yes, once you have did these ‘simple’ steps:

  1. find the data(s) you need (many sources, more results)
  2. extract them (just 5 minutes…)
  3. find correlations between data: and THIS is the ‘real’ job…
  4. ‘collapse’ data in something understandable for ‘limited’ mind (that have no idea about points #1 #2 and #3)

In the past years I used BlitzMax to create little applications to correlate data from different databases: in time I followed a ‘modular’ way to complete this work.
So, today, in 20/30 minutes I can write an application to read/join/analyse data from different sources (mainly .txt or .csv files).
I must thanks BRL to had created BlitzMax… today this seems a ‘trivial’ job!

There’s only one little problem BlitzMax can’t resolve: people that reads the ‘collapsed’ data (quite) often has not the ‘vision’ of the results… they don’t understand.

Well, time to switch off for today. Time for dinner.

ps: I’m start thinking to use my experience to offer this service to *potential* customers… at the end understanding relationship of data means money (gained or saved!). Well, we’ll see…

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